The New Hacker's Dictionary by Eric S. Raymond
Author:Eric S. Raymond [editor]
Format: epub
= L =
* [7712]lace card:
* [7713]lag:
* [7714]lamer:
* [7715]language lawyer:
* [7716]languages of choice:
* [7717]LART:
* [7718]larval stage:
* [7719]lase:
* [7720]laser chicken:
* [7721]lasherism:
* [7722]laundromat:
* [7723]LDB:
* [7724]leaf site:
* [7725]leak:
* [7726]leaky heap:
* [7727]leapfrog attack:
* [7728]leech:
* [7729]leech mode:
* [7730]legal:
* [7731]legalese:
* [7732]LER:
* [7733]LERP:
* [7734]let the smoke out:
* [7735]letterbomb:
* [7736]lexer:
* [7737]lexiphage:
* [7738]life:
* [7739]Life is hard:
* [7740]light pipe:
* [7741]lightweight:
* [7742]like kicking dead whales down the beach:
* [7743]like nailing jelly to a tree:
* [7744]line 666:
* [7745]line eater the:
* [7746]line noise:
* [7747]line starve:
* [7748]linearithmic:
* [7749]link farm:
* [7750]link rot:
* [7751]link-dead:
* [7752]lint:
* [7753]Lintel:
* [7754]Linus:
* [7755]Linux:
* [7756]lion food:
* [7757]Lions Book:
* [7758]LISP:
* [7759]list-bomb:
* [7760]lithium lick:
* [7761]little-endian:
* [7762]live:
* [7763]live data:
* [7764]Live Free Or Die!:
* [7765]livelock:
* [7766]liveware:
* [7767]lobotomy:
* [7768]locals the:
* [7769]locked and loaded:
* [7770]locked up:
* [7771]logic bomb:
* [7772]logical:
* [7773]loop through:
* [7774]loose bytes:
* [7775]lord high fixer:
* [7776]lose:
* [7777]lose lose:
* [7778]loser:
* [7779]losing:
* [7780]loss:
* [7781]lossage:
* [7782]lost in the noise:
* [7783]lost in the underflow:
* [7784]lots of MIPS but no I/O:
* [7785]low-bandwidth:
* [7786]LPT:
* [7787]Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology:
* [7788]Lumber Cartel:
* [7789]lunatic fringe:
* [7790]lurker:
* [7791]luser:
Node:lace card, Next:[7792]lag, Previous:[7793]kyrka, Up:[7794]= L =
lace card n. obs.
A [7795]punched card with all holes punched (also called a `whoopee card' or `ventilator card'). Card readers tended to jam when they got to one of these, as the resulting card had too little structural strength to avoid buckling inside the mechanism. Card punches could also jam trying to produce these things owing to power-supply problems. When some practical joker fed a lace card through the reader, you needed to clear the jam with a `card knife' -- which you used on the joker first.
Node:lag, Next:[7796]lamer, Previous:[7797]lace card, Up:[7798]= L =
lag n.
[MUD, IRC; very common] When used without qualification this is synomous with [7799]netlag. Curiously, people will often complain "I'm really lagged" when in fact it is their server or network connection that is lagging.
Node:lamer, Next:[7800]language lawyer, Previous:[7801]lag, Up:[7802]= L =
lamer n.
[prob. originated in skateboarder slang] 1. Synonym for [7803]luser, not used much by hackers but common among [7804]warez d00dz, crackers, and [7805]phreakers. A person who downloads much, but who never uploads. (Also known as `leecher'). Oppose [7806]elite. Has the same connotations of self-conscious elitism that use of [7807]luser does among hackers. 2. Someone who tries to crack a BBS. 3. Someone who annoys the sysop or other BBS users - for instance, by posting lots of silly messages, uploading virus-ridden software, frequently dropping carrier, etc.
Crackers also use it to refer to cracker [7808]wannabees. In phreak culture, a lamer is one who scams codes off others rather than doing cracks or really understanding the fundamental concepts. In [7809]warez d00dz culture, where the ability to wave around cracked commercial software within days of (or before) release to the commercial market is much esteemed, the lamer might try to upload garbage or shareware or something incredibly old (old in this context is read as a few years to anything older than 3 days).
`Lamer' is also much used in the IRC world in a similar sense to the above.
Node:language lawyer, Next:[7810]languages of choice, Previous:[7811]lamer, Up:[7812]= L =
language lawyer n.
A person, usually an experienced or senior software engineer, who is intimately familiar with many or
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